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Learning is always joyful

As the year is coming to an end, we reflect on the year of 2018 that passed, and everything we learned. Isn’t the sentiment always joyful? What is learning for, if not to bring us joy? At the beginning of 2018, I wanted to experience a LOL approach to learning....

The joy of starting to learn again

It’s easy to feel boredom in our lives. You only need to stop learning. The problem is spending years or months without learning anything new until it becomes a habit. Instead of welcoming new ways of thinking or doing things, you’re content with the old...

How different is learning from studying?

Why do we feel there’s a major difference between learning and studying? We understand learning as gaining knowledge or a skill. And we do that through studying. Therefore, studying is one of the processes we can use while learning. Common sense says studying is one...