One Earth, One Day

Today is Earth’s Day. It’s where we were born, evolved, lived and we call it home. Well, at least some of us consider it as such. Photo by Adolfo Félix at unsplash All around the globe we hear about climate change. It demands new lifestyles, where the relationship...

Inner Drive

I was reading a post of Seth Godin with a wonderful story of Steven Pressfield. The main character, for me, is not the rifleman but an inner skill driving your life. Photo by Nik Shuliahin “A Ghurka rifleman escaped from a Japanese prison in south Burma and walked six...


If you appear almost unannounced, what do you expect? Expect to learn the importance of being willing to lose your plans and welcome the present moment. We generate expectations throughout the day on ourselves, on others and circumstances. But how prepared are we to...


I was in line to buy snacks for our family and forgot to take the ticket. Others arriving after me took the ticket to be served, and I thought- ”Maybe it isn’t necessary.” – I was wrong, but it occurred to me to make an experience. When I realized the...


“Don’t let your happiness depend on something you may lose.” (C.S. Lewis) Photo by Lesly Juarez What do we really ”have”? Nothing but the present. If you cannot find happiness in the present moment, you’re ceaselessly searching in everything at your reach and...