The best inspiration comes from life itself. ”Life has more imagination than we carry in our dreams.” (Columbus) Photo by Danielle MacInnes at unsplash Expressions like ”get a life!” from this point of view has a new meaning. It’s advice to be inspired and...
Or shall I say “out of boredom.” We fear the state of boredom reached when doing nothing, or nothing useful at least. But several studies point to the birth of unexpected creative moments from tedious tasks or waiting periods. The reason for creating new connections...
Today I saw Avengers: EndGame at the theater and witness the closing of a cycle of excellence and entertainment. A simple thought from this Marvel experience: it takes time to reach great achievements. We want results to be good and have them in no time, but it takes...
Who doesn’t want to fulfill his dreams? But where does the motivation to do anything to fulfill our dreams comes from? A goal. A purpose. If you don’t have one, difficulties arise, and you shift your path because, in reality, you don’t know where to go. Photo by...
If yesterday we celebrated the Earth, today, we celebrate the book. But should we? Photo by João Silas at unsplash Bookshops make great discounts, but what matters if you sell books and people don’t read them? Should we celebrate the book or the act of reading? Books...