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The Age of What?

Whenever we produced a technological innovation that radically changes the world, a new age seems to begin. Lately, it’s hard to keep up with so many “ages.” When radio emerged, then television, information began to flow throughout the world with unprecedented...

Augmented Simplicity

The digital age entered our physical world through augmented reality. We marvel at the ability to fill empty spaces with something that doesn’t exist. At least not yet. But we do not fill only space, like a cluttered desk, but also time with a busy schedule...


Apple launched a feature in our iPhones to helps us control our ScreenTime. But its latest investments in Services like the forthcoming TV+, Arcade, and News+, you’re seduced to spend more time in front of your Screen. It’s a contradiction. But, as some...

Learn to avoid having your brain hacked

While reading Cal Newport’s new book on Digital Minimalism, I learned about the reality of companies building apps to – literally- hack your brain. Have you noticed? Me neither. We don’t even realize we’re being hacked at all because we don’t...

Digital declutter demands a resilient mind

How many apps do you have on your smartphone that you don’t use? How many of those apps continuously ask for your attention? Even if these apps don’t affect your attention, why do you have them at all? Digital devices and services revolutionized our lives, bringing us...