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Why respect the Earth

We know something about our planet, but there is much more to know. And if there is much more to know, a lot more to understand. But, to know and understand, we need to learn. Our planet experiences climate changes since its dawn. Climate change is not new. What is...


“Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.” (CLAUDE BERNARD) Learning is dynamic. You never know when you learned. The moment you learn something you change, and if you change, also the perspective over what you just learned. What...

Learn to stop to avoid stop learning

If you don’t learn to stop, your body may break and then you stop learning. Sometimes you need to learn to stop. Take a break. Rest for a while. Recover your strength.

Making 2019 the Year of… what?

As we approach the end of 2018, I think about how the world became more digital than I thought. Think about how influential people like Donald Trump and Elon Musk used Twitter. I wondered about how did we get to this digital frenzy world, and how can we survive it. As...

Connecting the dots of 2018

We’re approaching the end of 2018. Most people (I’m included) begin to think about what we wanted at the beginning of 2018 and review our achievements. However, while reviewing I began thinking about several important events (not goals). Eventually, even...