What do you want to learn today? Something mind-blowing? Something intriguing? Something unexpected? How about all three in one word: tranquility. In tranquility, you’ll find the time for the mind-blowing thoughts your chores don’t allow. In tranquility,...
One of my daughter’s teachers was walking toward class during a break. While reaching her students on the school’s corridor she said “hi!”, but nobody paid any attention. They were all interacting with their phones. When the bell rang, and they entered the class, she...
What if you invest in a goal to advance your career which nobody cares about and sees the way you do? The outcome seems obvious. A delusion. You haven’t done anything wrong except misplacing your goals. My experience when I develop certain ideas and projects a bit...
I asked my daughter if she believed “cold” exists. She said yes, and I told her that, in fact, there’s no such thing as “cold.” Cold is the absence of heat. Then, she said something unexpected. Photo by Todd Diemer at unsplash – ”If cold is the absence of heat,...
Using models of the past 120,000 years, a research team led by Mario Krapp from the University of Cambridge built an algorithm to simulate Earth’s climate of the past 800,000 years. Results suggest that changes in climate conditions might be what drove the evolution...