Some people cheat their way through life. It starts with school, college and then continues when they find a job. Those who follow this way have lost their why. And when we lose why we do what we do, we lose ourselves in the process. The answer is simple. Don’t...
As I read in an article by Benedict Carey, ”To intentionally forget is to remember differently, on purpose.” The study he reported about explains how we can refine our memory on purpose. We have to recall and change it to improve. The authors concluded, “To forget a...
“This is the best of all possible worlds.” (Gottfried Leibniz) A mind closed upon itself sees no possibilities beyond what she think she knows. An mind opened to the possibility of learning something new every day, all the time, expands the knowledge horizon. And even...
Being smart and cheat shows how dumb we can be and deceive ourselves. Those people live in dormant minds which won’t go very far. When you wake up to the potential of the fact that you are human, meaning you can learn new things and expand your skill horizon,...
Why should we keep trying to fulfill our dreams by small amounts of – apparently – unsuccessful small actions? You can spend all your energy running as fast as you can, or digging a big hole on the expectation for establishing the foundations of something...