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The secret to avoid rejection when you create

Too busy to create or too fearful of being rejected? No one likes when others reject what we made. Everything we create comes from a personal experience with the work created. This is the reason why so many of us lose more time than we should with details while...

Bright Moments

Who doesn’t like bright moments? Moments when everything becomes clear. Moments of innovative and unexpected ideas. Moments you said the right word at the right time to the right person. Yet, some moments are so bright, you recognize the light, but something is...

A simple tip to improve how your experience time

I don’t know about you, but most people I know complain about not having time. They want to write but don’t have time. They would like to paint but don’t have time. They would like to go out and have fun but don’t have time. The words ”I don’t have time” seem to give...

Connecting Dots

We all aspire to have a worthy life, perform at work and be successful. But how do we move from aspirations to accomplishments? Connecting dots. Our life is a story of events. If you consider each event as a dot, your life is the story of connecting dots. There are no...

Knots, laces, and bonds

What is the best kind of relationships to establish with others? I’m thinking of three kinds: knots, laces, and bonds. The purpose of a knot is to keep both ropes tight, stuck to each other and never let go. Spouses give knots and it is a positive thing, but in work...

Gratified at Work, Grateful in Life

If something we work on provides us with instant gratification, we invest in it. Take, for example, after a presentation you make, someone comes to you and says you changed his or her life or felt inspired to it. There’s no better reward. Or when you spend time on...

How do we evolve

Since Darwin, we think about evolution as a competition for being the best and the best survives. But what if you don’t have enough resources to compete in the first place? If you have fewer resources, you’re more likely to collaborate with others. And...

I don’t have time

If you have a reason, you will find the time. The lack of a reason why you do the things you do will consume the time you wish to spend on the things that matter. Finding the reason is finding what matters to you. And what is it? We all want to make a difference in...

Simple tip to write more and better

Do you feel you don’t have the time to write? A book, an article or a simple blog post? I have good news for you. Your problem is not the lack of time, but the lack of habit. A couple of years ago I wanted to write more, so I began developing the habit of...

We are a community

If a scientific topic is like a slice of pizza, would you rather eat it yourself, or share it with others? I recently read from Seth Godin something insightful. He says, An idea shared is more powerful than one that’s hidden. A technology standard outperforms a...