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Boost learning is far from memorizing

When examining a student through an oral evaluation, I received their pauses after a question with – ” what’s the formula for that?” – written all over their faces. The few who risk answering the most basic question seek a language based on equations, but...

Forgetting to memorize what matters

As I read in an article by Benedict Carey, ”To intentionally forget is to remember differently, on purpose.” The study he reported about explains how we can refine our memory on purpose. We have to recall and change it to improve. The authors concluded, “To forget a...

How can we learn and not forget

“Love is so short, forgetting is so long.” (Pablo Neruda) Love is a high attention phase in our life, and once love fades, also memories. However, when we experience love as transformative, and such transformation endures throughout generations, forgetting becomes a...

How can you challenge distraction with concentration

A lot of the work we do in science depends on memory and creativity. Improving your memory and boosting your creativity are two important investments if you are a researcher. However, the interesting thing is that both are connected. Memory is where we store what we...