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Deep and Shallow

What can knowledge be for you? When you consume knowledge, but do not translate it into life, it becomes shallow and useless. When you interpret knowledge, you attempt to make it yours and begin to feel to need to share it with others. Deep knowledge is what changes...

Knowledge is not power

Learning is. The power comes from a free mind, not money or the control of others. When you allow your learning mind to develop, you are free to think, create and connect. Photo by Clever Visuals on Unsplash We live in the age of information which excessively flows...

If you love knowledge, love understanding more

Some of us are knowledge workers, but all of us can be knowledge explorers. Why do we explore knowledge? What triggers our curiosity? The desire to know. Desire is what moves us, how we move and why. But is desire enough? I always loved books on science. They...