Cultural revolutions are all about connecting people. But that’s only one step of the way. There are other connecting steps. Connecting with the environment sets the boundaries through which memes flow. Connecting ideas with life move us toward a brighter...
Dots are small circular shapes. Points are mathematical entities without dimension. In networks, you connect what exists, dots. But you can dream and foresee what could exist, points. The challenge could be how can we convert an idea (point) into reality (dot). But...
While reading the last posthumous book by Stephen Hawking on “Brief Answers to the Big Questions” I began thinking about our life’s relational depth and where can we find it. “When I was younger, the rise of technology pointed to a future where we would all...
We’re approaching the end of 2018. Most people (I’m included) begin to think about what we wanted at the beginning of 2018 and review our achievements. However, while reviewing I began thinking about several important events (not goals). Eventually, even...
We all aspire to have a worthy life, perform at work and be successful. But how do we move from aspirations to accomplishments? Connecting dots. Our life is a story of events. If you consider each event as a dot, your life is the story of connecting dots. There are no...