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Pause moments

Life can be frantic, but when you listen to an afternoon rain and simply listen, you experience a pause. We need more of these moments. Pause moments are opportunities to daydreaming and mind wondering. When you work, it is important to focus, but if you’re focused...

What can you learn in your last dying breath

Being a Learning Mind should define how we live and die. I dare to say that more than evolving biologically, we evolved because we learned, shared throughout generations, and never stopped learning since then. Thus, what can you learn in your last dying breath?...

If you love knowledge, love understanding more

Some of us are knowledge workers, but all of us can be knowledge explorers. Why do we explore knowledge? What triggers our curiosity? The desire to know. Desire is what moves us, how we move and why. But is desire enough? I always loved books on science. They...

The challenge of building new experiences with nature

In the northern hemisphere, August is a month used to rest and recharge. The ways you do it vary from family to family, even from person to person. However, given the stress of everything we have to do while working, something most of us do during this is pay greater...