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Get up

After seeing “Captain Marvel” there was an interesting perspective on the human condition which I found connected with learning. Learners fall and get up. via GIPHY There is a book of John C. Maxwell entitled “Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.” Failing is part...

Altruistic learner

Think about the work you do without being paid. If someone says it’s foolish, never mind. Altruism will always be beyond reason and at your grasp. Of rescuers of Jews during World War II, the psychologist Eva Fogelman said that ””Learned altruistic behavior,...


Puzzles are more than a game. They’re a source of daily learning. With the excess of information at our reach, we experience a similar feeling as we look through all the pieces of a puzzle. If we have no idea what to search, it will take endless time to put the...

Learn solidarity with nature

Do you believe cold exists? It doesn’t. It’s the absence of heat. And according to my youngest – “if there’s room, heat will go there.” However, this shows me something deeply embedded in nature. Solidarity. I understood this when I was...

Learning through mystery

“Until we accept the fact that life itself is founded in mystery, we shall learn nothing.” (HENRY MILLER) Mysteries are hidden realities. Enigmas are problems we can solve, but I would distinguish them from mysteries. Solving a mystery is finding the hidden...