We think about limitations as barriers, stopping us from accomplishing what we desire for our learning minds. Is this true? Lisa Fittipaldi was born in Pontiac, Michigan, in 1948. She received a Bachelors of Art in 1970 and attended nursing school at the...
In my experience, every lecture I repeat for a different class gets better because explanations improve with time. And every doubt from a student which I cannot answer impels me to search for a deeper understanding. This is close to the Feynman technique. People knew...
It is not easy to persist, especially when you realize you invested time in the wrong idea. But if you don’t practice persistence, you may hardly find the way of resilience, one of learning’s most powerful forces. Even in the case of realizing we persisted in the...
Learning every day is something you can do. But can we remember at the end of every day what new things we learned? It’s not easy. Thus, although we know it should, we wonder if lifelong learning is a reality for us. I read in one of Seth Godin’s insightful...
Or bad. Just be you. Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash Why? Because the world craves for the creative self inside your learning mind. And we are learning minds.