In science, there is a famous saying about the need of putting your work out through scientific publications.
Publish or perish.
Otherwise, you won’t get promoted or given any other responsibilities which help you grow in your scientific career. This need of publishing is quite a challenge because producing scientific work that matters requires time, patience, resilience and lot of failed experiments. That is what it takes if you want to be “so good they can’t ignore you” paraphrasing Steven Martin.
Well, I’ve experienced the same about web-published. Michael Hyatt is an expert in building platforms on the web, and when it comes to making it through blogging, “consistency is better than frequency.” I agree with that, although it is a challenge when your job is demanding and itself some platform.
I started by blogging every day, but it was hard to keep up the pace. Then, knowing about the importance of being consistent, I started doing it twice a week. And it worked at some point, but when classes started (I’m a Professor at the University), I had to reduce my posts to once a week. And even so, I began failing on consistency.
I’m entering the web-publishing decline zone. And when I look at the stats on my websites, this is evident. Also, most of my publications were shared on Facebook to my Portuguese friends and Twitter when I write in English. Thus, if I don’t web-publish, I post less and eventually social-perish.
Thus this resonate with you? Maybe yes or maybe not.
Should I be concerned with social perishing?
I think we only feel down with social-web-perishing if we blog and write to be heard, be seen, putting us instead of our “Why” at the center of what we write. “Ideas worth spreading” take time, life experience, patience, failing, searching and a clear sense of why sharing your thoughts in the first place.
P.S. – This post has no links on purpose… heard these were more distracting than expected. Were you able to keep your focus while reading this text?