We are creative beings. It’s just a human thing. And the more creative we become, the more we experience our humanity. What if I have my creativity blocked?
For more than two weeks I decided to create a new habit: Morning Pages. The credit for this idea is Julia Cameron, and she introduced it in her perennial seller book “The Artist’s Way.”
Morning Pages are
“…three pages of longhand writing, strictly stream-of-consciousness.”
You write everything that comes to your mind. And if nothing comes to mind, write it – ” nothing comes to my mind.” You write with no filters, no art, you only write.
Julia explains Morning Pages like a brain drain, where you pour out what you feel, think, experience, and since they’re meant for you alone, nobody is supposed to read them. Thus, there’s no wrong way of writing Morning Pages, as Julia argues.
How is creativity unblocked?
I’m still trying to figure that out, but I cannot help noticing how it coincides with starting to post daily on my blog. Posting every day began after reading a thought by Seth Godin on the topic. And also unblocking myself from the obligation of following the structure several productivity experts recommend for a successful blog post.
First I thought it was just another crazy idea I would abandon but what if that was my inner Critic challenging my creativity? This post is my 22nd-day streak, and maybe it is also an unblocking creative effect of working on the Morning Pages habit. Whether it is or not, one thing I can confirm. Once you start, it doesn’t make sense to stop.