Whenever we produced a technological innovation that radically changes the world, a new age seems to begin. Lately, it’s hard to keep up with so many “ages.”

When radio emerged, then television, information began to flow throughout the world with unprecedented speed. The revolution produced a tremendous impact on our lives that we entered the Information Age.
Then came the internet. Not only did the speed of information flow increased, but also the production of content freely available grew exponentially. Together with social media, the spreading of information went beyond itself, and we began to have a digital life consuming a significant amount of our attention. This information technology developments are still revolutionizing our lives, and we call this age the Digital Age.
If that wasn’t enough, with gene-editing techniques like CRISPR, we modified mosquitos to kill their species and battle malaria, we are alsogeoengineering our climate, which means we want to control the planet and enter into a new Synthetic Age and re-engineer the world.
How far should we go?
How far can we go?
Do we still know which Age we are?
Every Age is like a wave bringing cultural change to our lives. I don’t mind surfing a wave (although I admit I don’t know how to surf), but aren’t these waves leading to a tsunami?
Slowing down doesn’t mean going backward, but making sure we’re putting our hand on a stable crack while free solo a steep wall. The risk will always be there, but nothing counts as much as preparation and taking time to enjoy the climb. If we move too fast, too careless, the higher the climb, the higher the fall. I rather enjoy the climb.