I recently read an article in Wired (July-August 2019) about a cyber-sextortion in Belmont, New Hampshire. One of the victims in this case, in the end, concludes,
“We shouldn’t have to live in a world where we don’t know if people are real or not.”
But it’s the world we created with our craving for acceptance, following, and the sense of having a voice in an already noisy world.
There is even a site with a game for people having fun guessing which of the two photos is the real one. It seems an innocent game, and its creators use the results to study the human perception of reality, but the implications are serious.
I believe there’s a dimension of reality outside materiality which we perceive through consciousness. But these games and the (amazing, beyond a reasonable doubt) developments in Virtual Reality, allowing directors like Jon Favreau to immerse themselves in the set of movies like the Lion King, where is this all heading?
Our awareness didn’t come from virtuality, but the relational complexity imprinting dynamics to the world. As we move toward virtually realistic scenarios, it’s uncertain what implications we’ll see in the continuous development of consciousness.
It’s time to bring balance and reality through pauses. Silent unmoved moments of encounter with your thoughts. From the outside people may think we’re sleeping, but maybe the truth is we’re waking up.