“Until we accept the fact that life itself is founded in mystery, we shall learn nothing.” (HENRY MILLER)

Photo by João Silva at unsplash
Mysteries are hidden realities. Enigmas are problems we can solve, but I would distinguish them from mysteries. Solving a mystery is finding the hidden reality, and uncover new questions leading to new hidden realities, thus, mysteries.
When we accept life is founded in mystery, we welcome the hidden reality of life abundant source of surprise and imagination.
The course we set ourselves to uncover a mystery has more profound implications than we think. While we wonder if the endgame of immersing ourselves solving a mystery is finding the hidden reality, I think the real purpose is living the path, the process.
We learn so much in processes that, maybe, mysteries are not meant to inspire us in solving the puzzle of reality and our life. Mysteries can be one of the best ways to develop our ability to learn.