There is no such thing as a dead-time, only a “dead-mind.”

Dead-times are opportunities for letting ourselves wonder in our mind. The silence outside doesn’t mean the absence of an inside symphony. The problem is when we run from these moments by letting in the outside noise.
Mind-wandering is an experience we can have during dead-times. We can wander on purpose or spontaneously, and in some cases, you experience unexpected creative moments. The thinking behind these moments is divergent. You’re not attached to a particular problem or task. In one study, researchers show how allowing your mind to wander may improve creative problem-solving. Why?
Apparently, mind-wandering implies using what neuroscientists call the default network of the brain related to creativity. However, the thoughts crossing your mind must engage you. Otherwise, your mood does not elevate as much as it could.
The is a lot to learn about mind-wandering, but the best way is still to try it. In this way, you can experience being cognitive alive with dead-times.