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Slow down

We strive for a faster digital connection, more rapid flow of information, faster opening of the apps we like the most, everything quicker and faster. But is there anything more enjoyable and rewarding than a silent and refreshing moment of pause? Slow down. What we...

Learning through mystery

“Until we accept the fact that life itself is founded in mystery, we shall learn nothing.” (HENRY MILLER) Mysteries are hidden realities. Enigmas are problems we can solve, but I would distinguish them from mysteries. Solving a mystery is finding the hidden...

Finding creativity

This morning I had an unexpected experience with my daughter. For the last few days, I noticed a greater attachment to the iPad or PC than usual. She stopped playing with her toys. Thus, I went to her, took the headphones from her head, and the iPad, putting them on...

Any ideas? None

How is it possible that we have thousands of thoughts per minute and live moments where we search for an idea and none comes to mind? Why do we have mind blockage moments? There are physical conditions which can lead to a mind block, but most of the time it is a lack...

Your thoughts matter

With all the notifications, or symbols close to the apps telling you something arrived, or a number pointing to the number of unread messages, all with the purpose of capturing your attention. You feel overwhelmed and important enough to spend your time looking at...