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In front of you

It often happens we ask things which are right in front of us. This morning, I asked my daughter about her lunch box when I was holding it in my hand. My students asked me what should they take for the exam next Friday when all the rules were written in last year’s...


If conversations contain too many negative words, too many opinions without the full story, and take too much of your time, it will drain your cognitive energy. I call them drain-talk. Avoid them. Escape them. Our lives move forward on positive words, facts, but most...

Out of isolation

We live in a hyper-connected world. Through the streets, in schools corridors, practically, everywhere, we see people looking at their screens. I thought people where focusing their attention on themselves, egotistically, but it may be something deeper. Now, I think...

Freedom and filters

True freedom is not expressing yourself without filters. It’s avoiding the filters which stop you from being free inside. True freedom comes from within. A ”within” with limitations and constraints. But containing the source of true freedom. Your heart. Your...


There are so many different things we can learn from our diversity. Our differences divide us when we’re blind to the richness in others. Different thoughts, ways of life, cultures are natural. We understand this clearly if we contemplate nature and notice its...