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Essence of learning

We tend to think we know everything, but do we? “All the efforts of the human mind cannot exhaust the essence of a single fly.”ANTHONY DE MELLO The humble mindset recognizes we don’t and discovers why learning is a way of life. A way to live amid the...

Learn Awareness

Awareness is what best protects you against having your behavior being hacked. This is the lesson I took from the Netflix documentary on the Cambridge Analytica case. It challenges democracy at its roots. How can you give power to the people if the behavior of a few...

Ingredients of Success

How can you succeed where everyone fails? Be the one who fails the most. Failing is a driver of life experience. The more you experience, if the mindset is right, you’ll grow to become successful. However, it seems it takes two other things. Risk and time. Those...

Boost learning is far from memorizing

When examining a student through an oral evaluation, I received their pauses after a question with – ” what’s the formula for that?” – written all over their faces. The few who risk answering the most basic question seek a language based on equations, but...

What can deliberate practice be for you

Deliberate practice requires spending lots of time outside of your comfort zone, working at the things you’re lousy at and accepting criticism from someone smarter than you. (Ashley Hamer)I liked Ashley’s synthesis because it remind me the time I was at...