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What can you do to overcome the crisis of accumulating research work

How can you be productive when work accumulates, the need for scheduling meetings continues, plus some additional formation you’re asked to take, classes, thesis supervision, projects, family commitments and the list continues. You begin to list what to do, and soon...

Unexpected opportunities hidden behind troubling indexes

Don’t measure yourself by your metrics. Your worth is in how much you put yourself into what, how and why you do science. The unexpected opportunities of making a difference with your work lie ahead, but the question is: are you all-in? My first publication was in...

Organizing papers: how times have changed

To me, the amazing thing about the introduction of the iPod by Steve Jobs in 2001 was the expression a “1000 songs in your pocket.” This idea was truly a digital revolution. Therefore, for all those who are knowledge workers and do research recognize how –...

Why multitasking simply doesn’t work for anyone

Are you proud of being a multitasking person? Studies show you shouldn’t. In fact, not only you, in fact, switch-task, but you damage your brain as well. Finally, I never thought how multitasking could influence the way we perceive the world around us. While reading a...

How can you challenge distraction with concentration

A lot of the work we do in science depends on memory and creativity. Improving your memory and boosting your creativity are two important investments if you are a researcher. However, the interesting thing is that both are connected. Memory is where we store what we...