In the first day of a new year, we often experience peace and a fresh start. Without realizing, learning can make you a peacemaker.

Photo by Johnson Wang at Unsplash
In conflicted areas, schools reopening is the first sign of peace. Since 2012, UNICEF developed a Learning for Peace programme ” to strengthen resilience, social cohesion, and human security in conflict-affected contexts, including countries at risk of, experiencing or recovering from conflict. In particular, the Learning for Peace programme aims at strengthening policies and practices in education for peacebuilding.”
“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” (Albert Einstein)
More than resolving the conflicts, learning provides the ground for mutual respect and a healthy relational environment. In small African villages where this programme unrolls, the fact parents from different ethnic groups see their children playing with each other, allows them to speak with each other. These are the first steps to peace.
“If you want to end the war then Instead of sending guns, send books. Instead of sending tanks, send pens. Instead of sending soldiers, send teachers.” (Malala Yousafzai, 17 year-old Noble Peace Laureate)
Learning is the relational framework making each person a peacemaker. The more we invest in our learnability, the better we can become at peacemaking.
In this first day of 2019, it is worth taking the first step to a new evolutionary chain of events. One which leads to a long-lasting peace. This first step is simple: invest in your daily learning. Therefore, ask yourself – ” what can I learn today?” – and keep asking every day.