For every successful path, there are numerous failing paths. Today I celebrate my 200th daily post. Is this a successful path?
I started this blog in 2017 and the number of people visiting me in 2019 is almost at the level of 2018, which means a yearly modest growth.

And when you look at the monthly statistics, you’ll see something interesting: the effect of social media. The sudden growth in November coincides with the experience of this daily post challenge. But in February, I left social media and the drop is evident. However, I believe in building a voice in the digital world without social media. Persistence in consistency eventually leads to overcoming resistance.

The weekly landscape is irregular and not particularly successful, but I thank all those reading my posts and I wish you find something useful in them or inspiring.

But my daily perspective seems a failure. And for all this time, I rarely had any feedback on my writing. My question is what this means to me.

I’m happy about the fact that I shared something, no matter how small or simple. Every. Single. Day. This experience is one of a resilient mind and I advise anyone to try. Writing is liberating. I don’t write to be famous, but to express myself in this unique human ability to put inner thoughts outward with words.
If you are one of my occasional readers, thank you from the heart for reading this post. And think that if I could write for 200 days, you could do it too! I’m sure there so much interesting things inside your mind, or experiences worth sharing with the world. You are unique and expressing anything through words enriches the cultural world.