How can you succeed where everyone fails? Be the one who fails the most. Failing is a driver of life experience. The more you experience, if the mindset is right, you’ll grow to become successful. However, it seems it takes two other things. Risk and time. Those...
Some people cheat their way through life. It starts with school, college and then continues when they find a job. Those who follow this way have lost their why. And when we lose why we do what we do, we lose ourselves in the process. The answer is simple. Don’t...
Success is often measured by who arrived first, but those who fail are the first to learn. In the long run, they go farther. Learning is not a matter of accepting you failed and tried again. It is a process of understanding why you failed, keep failing, but learn to...
“Always remember that striving and struggle precede success, even in the dictionary.” (Sarah Ban Breathnach) Learning is much more than something you receive at school or even in life. It is the result of a striving experience which lasts your entire life....