We can criticize the model used for teaching at Universities and conclude it is inadequate to face today’s challenges, but how much it depends on the University? People criticize the ”lecture model” and endorse the empowerment of learning back to students. I...
In my experience, every lecture I repeat for a different class gets better because explanations improve with time. And every doubt from a student which I cannot answer impels me to search for a deeper understanding. This is close to the Feynman technique. People knew...
It reminds me of a clear mind when we dissipate the clouds of judgement. Especially, when you judge your learning based on your failings. Failings are part of the path, not part of the problem.
Being mindful means paying attention to new things and enjoy the present moment while doing it. It is likely to be the best way to find surprises in life. Photo by Flo Dahm at Unsplash We often complain about the lack of time for the things that matter, but easily...
Learning is. The power comes from a free mind, not money or the control of others. When you allow your learning mind to develop, you are free to think, create and connect. Photo by Clever Visuals on Unsplash We live in the age of information which excessively flows...