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Writing meaningful Highlights in scientific papers

One novelty in scientific papers in the last decade was Elsevier’s introduction of highlights. Are authors paying sufficient attention to highlights writing?     Highlights are 3 to 5 short sentences containing core findings of the research described in...

So much done for your students and for what?

What is our “why” as a professor? Teach and Research, although not necessarily in this order. For 14 weeks I’ve shared with my students several tips to increase their productivity and thrive at any discipline. But after the results in the first...

Simple ideas to make an impact

Have you ever felt, even for a moment, you would like to make a difference in the world with a simple idea? Creativity distinguishes us from animals, not rationality. And ideas emerge from our capacity to create. The best way to create is to practice your creativity. ...

3 Ways to make a learning experience rewarding

Learning is not easy. Remember the last time you tried to learn something. Was it easy? When it is, it’s one of the most rewarding experiences. But if it’s hard, you feel frustrated and wonder what’s stopping you from having success at learning...

Finding time to think

3-Lessons we can learn with the way the world is Every researcher knows the time taken to think how can we describe the physics of a certain event. But today, an email comes you really need to answer. A Skype message from a colleague or a student contains an important...

Challenge when students say “I don’t care”

One complaint most of us, university professors, about our students is “they don’t care”. I’ve been thinking about that. Why student say this? Is learning new things no longer fascinating? Maybe this results from the dramatic increase of the...

First thing to do to improve students learning

My greatest desire as a Professor is that my students enjoy learning. Some perform better than others, but to me the important part is that all of them enjoy learning. I see this in the best students with higher grades. But the majority is not like this. One day I...

Free with technology, not technology-free

One of my favorite authors of all time is Michael Crichton. When I saw the movie Jurassic Park, I immediately wanted to read the book (good job Steven S.). I remembered that I needed to study for a biology exam in high-school about genetics (go figure!), but I wanted...