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The Art of Listening in Learning

”There’s a lot of difference between listening and hearing.”- G.K. Chesterton And all that difference is whether you pay your entire attention to the other person or not. When you listen to someone, there’s no one else in the world but the person you listen. Also,...

Learn with enthusiasm

“There was a language in the world that everyone understood. It was the language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love.” – Paulo Coelho, in ‘The Alchemist’ Every time we learn with enthusiasm, our brain releases its dopamine neurotransmitters...

The energy of learning

“Learning is movement from moment to moment.” (J. KRISHNAMURTI) Energeia is the Greek etymology for the word energy which means action. It is a word imbued with dynamics and movement, much like learning. People often think that by watching videos about something...

Why respect the Earth

We know something about our planet, but there is much more to know. And if there is much more to know, a lot more to understand. But, to know and understand, we need to learn. Our planet experiences climate changes since its dawn. Climate change is not new. What is...


“Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.” (CLAUDE BERNARD) Learning is dynamic. You never know when you learned. The moment you learn something you change, and if you change, also the perspective over what you just learned. What...

How digital minimalist should we be?

We’re close to the release of Cal Newport’s new work on Digital Minimalism- Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World. What is this and why should we pay attention? The argument questions whether services we’ve become addicted in the last decade can affect our...

Maximize the way you think

In a recent dailyinfographic, I found a synthesis of 12 ways to maximize the way we think. Guess one. Learning how to learn. This maximization of the way you think involves developing your working memory, deliberate practice, time-chunking your activities, question...

The compass that points where you want to go

Most people who don’t realize how important learning is, live by the way their GPS tells them to go. If the map is outdated, they fail to adapt and fail to reach their destination. But if you have a map and a special compass which points to where you want to go, like...

Learn when you don’t feel like you want to

It is easy to feel motivated to learn the things you like. But what about the things you dislike? In a recent article in Harvard Business Review, Elizabeth Saunders deals with this problem in a wider scope. She proposes two steps which I find useful for learning. The...

Learn more by doing less

The latest research in psychology confirms we need a break to avoid a break in our productivity. Efficiency is the ratio between what you produce with the number of resources available. Doing things corresponds to your resources. Thus, you understand if you produce...